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Eddington (EDNGT) 150000 20.13 (+0.04)          Ann Lee (ANLEE) 150000 8.00 (0.00)          Night of the Zoopocalypse (NOTZP) 150000 1.87 (-0.13)          Daisy Edgar-Jones (DEDGA) 25000 103.68 (+1.00)          The Woman in the Yard (TWITY) 149999 23.87 (+0.20)          Bunnylovr (BNYLV) 150000 1.96 (+0.08)          Bunnylovr (BNYLV) 150000 1.96 (+0.08)          Gremlins 3 (GREM3) 150000 11.23 (+0.46)          I’m Still Here (IMSHR) 150000 1.81 (+0.36)          The Chronicles of Narnia (NARN4) 50000 6.48 (+3.82)          I’m Still Here (IMSHR) 150000 1.81 (+0.36)          I’m Still Here (IMSHR) 150000 1.81 (+0.36)          I Know What You Did Last Summer (IKNO4) 137919 39.68 (+0.22)          Bad Fairies (BFAIR) 150000 35.32 (+2.61)          Untitled Alejandro Gonzalez Inar (UAGIP) 150000 74.51 (+0.41)          Clayface (CLAYF) 150000 67.70 (+0.34)          Minions 3 (MNIO3) 150000 250.99 (+0.83)          The Super Mario Bros. Movie 2 (MARI2) 150000 388.30 (+1.93)          I’m Still Here (IMSHR) 150000 1.81 (+0.36)          I’m Still Here (IMSHR) 149997 1.81 (+0.36)          Regretting You (RGRTU) 150000 35.39 (+0.34)          David (DAVID) 150000 64.10 (+0.05)          Anaconda (ANAC3) 150000 51.53 (+0.95)          Marty Supreme (MRTSU) 150000 21.07 (0.00)          Warfare (WARFR) 150000 31.20 (+0.06)          Bethlehem (BTLHM) 150000 30.44 (+0.83)          Wuthering Heights (WUTHR) 150000 38.85 (+0.25)          Opus (OPUS) 149997 17.24 (+0.35)          Him aka Goat (GOAT1) 150000 18.81 (+0.18)          Wolf Man (TWLFM) 149999 37.10 (-2.46)          Opus (OPUS) 149997 17.24 (+0.35)          Thandiwe Newton (TNEWT) 25000 82.05 (+0.75)          Mads Mikkelsen (MMIKK) 25000 89.96 (0.00)          Final Destination: Bloodlines (FDES6) 150000 26.09 (+0.12)          Kelvin Harrison Jr. (KHARR) 25000 68.79 (-0.50)          Barry Jenkins (BJENK) 25000 56.45 (-0.16)          Thandiwe Newton (TNEWT) 25000 82.05 (+0.75)          Daniela Melchior (DMELC) 25000 102.02 (-0.33)          The Legend of Ochi (LOCHI) 150000 18.66 (+0.01)          Ann Lee (ANLEE) 150000 8.00 (0.00)          Brightwater (BRTWT) 5000 0.02 (0.00)          Momo (MOMO) 150000 7.15 (-0.85)          Brightwater (BRTWT) 5000 0.02 (0.00)          Tim Blake Nelson (TBNEL) 25000 29.03 (+1.25)          Dog Man H$25 Put (DOGM1.PU) 25000 1.29 (-0.12)          Dog Man H$25 Call (DOGM1.CA) 25000 2.48 (-0.08)          Ann Lee (ANLEE) 150000 8.00 (0.00)          Dog Man - Opening Weekend (DOGM1.OW) 100000 25.82 (+0.20)          Steve Zahn (SZAHN) 25000 31.23 (-0.62)          Emily Beecham (EBEEC) 25000 28.08 (+1.14)